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Dennis Halcoussis

Ph.D.- Economics

Experience & Background

Dennis is a Professor of Economics at California State University, Northridge.  He works with PFC as an expert and consultant on cases involving lost profits, alter ego, complex litigation, construction defects, and the misappropriation of proprietary information.  Dennis enjoys applying econometrics and other statistical theory to estimate losses in civil cases. He joined the PFC team of experts in 2008.

Dennis possesses over 25 years of experience teaching econometrics at both the undergraduate and MBA level.  He is the author of an econometrics textbook, Understanding Econometrics.  In his classes, Dennis emphasizes applications as well as the interpretation and communication of econometric results.  He is the author of over twenty research papers published in refereed academic journals.  Most of the papers use applied econometrics to address questions concerning a wide array of topics, such as legislative voting on internet gambling restrictions, the interaction between the stock market and a Presidential election, pricing of rock concert tickets sold on eBay, funding of public education, and the funding of public radio.


Dennis earned a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania and began teaching at California State University, Northridge, in 1991, where he received tenure in 1997.